Command Dictionary Introduction

AIT provides support for YAML-based configuration of commands with enough detail to provide verification of information (E.g., units) and encoding/decoding. The commands are constrained by the ISS 1553B command word design (64 total words with 11 reserved).

# An example command for setting the operation
# mode of an instrument.
--- !Command
name:      CORE_SET_OP_MODE
opcode:    0x0001
subsystem: CORE
desc:      |
  This command sets the operational mode.

  - !Argument
    name:  mode
    desc:  Mode
    units: none
    type:  U8
    bytes: 0
      0: SAFE
      1: IDLE
      2: SCANNING
      3: SCIENCE

All the valid parameters and attributes that you can have in your command dictionary configuration file is controlled by the command dictionary schema file. You can view the full schema file in the AIT Core repo at ait/core/data/cmd_schema.json. A snippet of a schema is below. You can see that it allows for quite of bit of control over the command dictionary including nested object verification, individual attribute type checks, and required fields.

    "$schema": "",
    "title": "Command Dictionary Schema",
    "description": "Command Dictionary Schema",
    "type": "array",
    "items": {
        "required": ["command", "name", "opcode"],
        "additionalProperties": false,
        "properties": {
            "command": {
                "type": "string"
            "name": {
                "type": "string"
            "opcode": {
                "type": "integer"
            "subsystem": {
                "type": "string"
            "title": {
                "type": "string"
            "desc": {
                "type": "string"
            "arguments": {
                ... Nested Argument and Fixed Field Schemas snipped

AIT also provides a command line utility for verifying that your command dictionary configuration is valid given that you have a defined schema file. If you pass the --cmd or -c flag to ait-yaml-validate it will check this for you.

$ ait-yaml-validate --cmd
016-07-27T09:36:21.408 | INFO     | Validation: SUCCESS: ...

AIT provides command encoding/decoding via ait.core.cmd.CmdDict.

>>> cmddict = ait.core.cmd.getDefaultDict()
>>> type(cmddict)
<class 'ait.core.cmd.CmdDict'>

You can create and encode a command directly from the command dictionary.

>>> noop = cmddict.create('NO_OP')
>>> type(noop)
<class 'ait.core.cmd.Cmd'>
>>> noop
>>> bin_noop = noop.encode()
>>> bin_noop

Given a binary blob, you can also decode into a command.

>>> decoded_cmd = cmddict.decode(bin_noop)
>>> type(decoded_cmd)
<class 'ait.core.cmd.Cmd'>
>>> decoded_cmd

Default Command Encoding Structure

By default AIT encodes commands into 64 word (128 byte) structure with 11 words (22 bytes) of CCSDS overhead. This results in a 53 words (106 bytes) of usable commanding space. All commands are padded out to 106 bytes.

Opcode (2 bytes) Args Size (1 byte) Arg 1 Encoded (size varies) Arg 2 …

If you need a different format of command encoding the extensions functionality will allow you to override the default behavior.


AIT supports relative time sequences that can be executed as ground sequences or encoded for upload. Each row of a sequence specifies a time offset in seconds (or fraction of a second) and a command and its arguments. The command will be executed with its arguments after the defined time delay.

1.5 NO_OP
5 NO_op
0.5 NO_OP

The above sequence will send a NO_OP command 1.5 seconds after invocation of the sequence, then wait 5 seconds and send another NO_OP command, and finally wait 0.5 second and send a final NO_OP command.

AIT Sequences can be used as ground sequences to automate common tasks during testing and operations or they can be encoded for upload to your payload. Ground sequences can be run via the Sequences component in the UI or via the CLI.

# send a sequence
ait-seq-send my_sequence.txt

# encode a sequence
ait-seq-encode my_sequence.txt

AMMOS Sequence Generator (SeqGen)

AIT provides utilities for converting sequences to the default AIT format if you use AMMOS Sequence Generator (SeqGen) to generate sequences.The script provides a command line interface for doing this. Check out the Command Line Script Documentation for additional information.


The AIT command constructor is the parent construct for all AIT command definitions. It encapsulates optional arguments and contains metadata critical to the command.

A string denoting the name of this command
The number assigned to this opcode. This is usually given in hexadecimal.
subsystem (optional):
A string denoting the subsystem associated with this command.
title (optional):
A string denoting the title of this command
desc (optional):
A string for providing a description of the command.
arguments (optional):
A list of !Argument or !Fixed objects


The argument constructor allows for a number of parameter to specify options for a command. By default an argument needs to include a name, data type, and byte information.

A string denoting the name of this argument
A string specifying the data type of the argument. You can see all the valid primitive types that will be accepted here by looking at ait.core.dtype.PrimitiveTypes.
Specifies which byte(s) in the command filled by this argument. This can be specified as a single integer or as a list of integers (in the case of a range of bytes). Byte values must be specified in correct numerical order when a command has multiple Arguments or Fixed attributes.
desc (optional):
A string for providing a description of the argument.
units (optional):
A string denoting the argument’s units.
range (optional):
A list of 2 items specifying the range of acceptable values for the argument.
enum (optional):
A dict of key, value pairs listing the enumeration of valid values for the argument. The key matches with the value in the command. The value is a string describing what the value in the enumeration represents.


The fixed constructor allows you to define constant values in your command.

A string specifying the data type of the argument. You can see all the valid primitive types that will be accepted here by looking at AIT Data Types.
Specifies which byte(s) in the command filled by this constant. This can be specified as a single integer or as a list of integers (in the case of a range of bytes). Byte values must be specified in correct numerical order when a command has multiple Arguments or Fixed attributes.
name (optional):
A string denoting the name of this constant.
desc (optional):
A string for providing a description of the constant.
units (optional):
A string denoting the constant’s units.
value (optional):
A number specifying the value for this constant.

Example Command Definition

Below is an example of what you might have defined for a command. It uses most of the options mentioned above.

--- !Command
opcode:    0x1337
subsystem: ExampleSubSystem
title:     Example Reset System
desc:      |
  Reset the processor and initiate boot process.
  - !Fixed
    type:  LSB_U16
    bytes: [0, 1]
    value: 0x3010

  - !Argument
    name:  reset_type
    desc:  |
      Reset type
      PROM_REBOOT: Nominal reboot
      DIAG_RAM_REBOOT: Diagnostic reboot
    units: none
    type:  LSB_U16
    bytes: [2, 3]
      0x0000: PROM_REBOOT
      0x0001: DIAG_RAM_REBOOT

  - !Fixed
    type:  LSB_U16
    bytes: [4, 5]
    value: 0x0000

  - !Fixed
    type:  LSB_U16
    bytes: [6, 7]
    value: 0x0000