AIT Server Introduction

The core of AIT is a “server”, ait.core.server, which manages the processing of telemetry, logging, and command messages. The server manages relationships between the following components:

  • Inbound streams - Inbound streams manage incoming data being received by AIT. For example, telemetry messages coming into a port.
  • Outbound streams - Outbound streams manage outgoing data being published by AIT. For example, command messages being published to a port.
  • Handlers - Handlers do the processing of data for inbound and outbound streams. When a message is received on an inbound stream for instance, a handler can handle the processing that needs to be done on the message before it is passed off to outbound streams or plugins.
  • Plugins - Plugins provide functionality that consume data from inbound streams, do something with it, and provide data to outbound streams. The AIT GUI is a plugin.

The AIT Server uses the messaging library ZeroMQ to manage the passing of data between streams and plugins.

Streams, Plugins and Handlers

Data will generally flow through the components as follows:

-> Inbound Stream -> (Handlers) -> Plugin -> Outbound Stream -> (Handlers) ->


  • Plugins can have any number of inbound streams as inputs and any number of outbound streams as outputs.
  • A plugin name is required, and should be formatted like <package>.<module>.<ClassName>. The server will use this to import and instantiate the plugin.
  • Plugins can have any other arguments you would like. These arguments will be made class attributes when the plugin is instantiated.
  • If you would like to add a plugin, it must inherit from ait.core.server.plugin.Plugin and implement the abstract process method which is called whenever the plugin receives a message from any of its inbound streams.
  • Plugins can be configured to run in separate processes. The plugin configuration includes an optional attribute process_id. When the attribute is assigned a value, the server will spawn a new process for the plugin. If multiple plugins specify the same value, then they will all run together in that process. By default, plugins run in the same process as the AIT Server.

If you would like to add a plugin, it must inherit from ait.core.server.plugin.Plugin and implement the abstract process method which is called whenever the plugin receives a message from any of its inbound streams.

Example configuration:

    - plugin:
        name: ait.gui.AITGUIPlugin
            - log_stream
            - telem_stream
            - command_stream
        other_parameter: anything_you_need

Example configuration segment utilizing the process_id attribute:

    - plugin:
        name: ait.gui.AITGUIPlugin
        process_id: ait_plugin_process_alpha

AIT provides a number of default plugins. Check the Plugins API documentation for available plugins.


  • Streams must be listed under either inbound-streams or outbound-streams, and must have a name.

  • Inbound streams can have an integer port or inbound streams as their input. Inbound streams can have multiple inputs. A port input should always be listed as the first input to an inbound stream.

    • The server sets up an input stream that emits properly formed telemetry packet messages over a globally configured topic. This is used internally by the ground script API for telemetry monitoring. The input streams that pass data to this stream must output data in the Packet UID annotated format that the core packet handlers use. The input streams used can be configured via the server.api-telemetry-streams field. If no configuration is provided the server will default to all valid input streams if possible. See the Ground Script API documentation for additional information.
  • Outbound streams can have plugins or outbound streams as their input. Outbound streams can have multiple inputs.

    • Outbound streams also have the option to output to an integer port (see example config below).
    • The server exposes an entry point for commands submitted by other processes. During initialization, this entry point will be connected to a single outbound stream, either explicitly declared by the stream (by setting the command-subscriber field; see example config below), or decided by the server (select the first outbound stream in the configuration file).
  • Streams can have any number of handlers. A stream passes each received packet through its handlers in order and publishes the result.

  • There are several stream classes that inherit from the base stream class. These child classes exist for handling the input and output of streams differently based on whether the inputs/output are ports or other streams and plugins. The appropriate stream type will be instantiated based on whether the stream is an inbound or outbound stream and based on the inputs/output specified in the stream’s configs. If the input type of an inbound stream is an integer, it will be assumed to be a port. If it is a string, it will be assumed to be another stream name or plugin. Only outbound streams can have an output, and the output must be a port, not another stream or plugin.

Example configuration:

    - stream:
        name: log_stream
            - 3077

    - stream:
        name: telem_port_in_stream
            - 3076
            - my_custom_handlers.TestbedTelemHandler

    - stream:
        name: telem_testbed_stream
            - telem_port_in_stream
            - name: ait.server.handlers.PacketHandler
              packet: 1553_HS_Packet

    - stream:
        name: command_testbed_stream
            - name: my_custom_handlers.TestbedCommandHandler

    - stream:
        name: command_flightlike_stream
            - name: my_custom_handlers.FlightlikeCommandHandler
        command-subscriber: True

    - stream:
        name: command_port_out_stream
            - command_testbed_stream
            - command_flightlike_stream
            - 3075


  • A handler name is required, and should be formatted like <package>.<module>.<ClassName>. The server will use this to import and instantiate the handler.
  • Handlers can have any other arguments you would like. These arguments will be made class attributes when the handler is instantiated.
  • If you would like to create a custom handler, it must inherit from ait.core.server.Handler and implement the handle method which is called whenever the stream it is subscribed to receives a message.

See example configuration above.

Configuring the server

AIT uses config.yaml to load configuration data for the server.

Here is an example of how the server portion of config.yaml should look:

        - plugin:
            name: ait.gui.AITGUIPlugin
                - log_stream
                - telem_testbed_stream
                - command_testbed_stream

        - telem_testbed_stream

        - stream:
            name: log_stream
                - 3077

        - stream:
            name: telem_port_in_stream
                - 3076
                - my_custom_handlers.TestbedTelemHandler

        - stream:
            name: telem_testbed_stream
                - telem_port_in_stream
                - name: ait.server.handlers.PacketHandler
                  packet: 1553_HS_Packet

        - stream:
            name: command_testbed_stream
                - name: my_custom_handlers.TestbedCommandHandler

        - stream:
            name: command_flightlike_stream
                - name: my_custom_handlers.FlightlikeCommandHandler

        - stream:
            name: command_port_out_stream
                - command_testbed_stream
                - command_flightlike_stream
                - 3075