

Bases: gevent._gevent_cgreenlet.Greenlet

This broker contains the ZeroMQ context and proxy that connects all streams and plugins to each other through publish-subscribe sockets. This broker subscribes all ZMQ clients to their input topics.

  • args – The arguments passed to the run function.
  • kwargs – The keyword arguments passed to the run function.
  • run (callable) – The callable object to run. If not given, this object’s _run method will be invoked (typically defined by subclasses).

Changed in version 1.1b1: The run argument to the constructor is now verified to be a callable object. Previously, passing a non-callable object would fail after the greenlet was spawned.

Changed in version 1.3b1: The GEVENT_TRACK_GREENLET_TREE configuration value may be set to a false value to disable spawn_tree_locals, spawning_greenlet, and spawning_stack. The first two will be None in that case, and the latter will be empty.

Changed in version 1.5: Greenlet objects are now more careful to verify that their parent is really a gevent hub, raising a TypeError earlier instead of an AttributeError later.

Changed in version 20.12.1: Greenlet objects now function as context managers. Exiting the with suite ensures that the greenlet has completed by joining the greenlet (blocking, with no timeout). If the body of the suite raises an exception, the greenlet is killed with the default arguments and not joined in that case.

static subscribe(subscriber, publisher)

Sets subscriber’s socket option to include the publisher as topic.

subscriber: ZMQInputClient with subscription socket publisher: Object whose str() method returns its associated topic
subscribe_to_output(output_name, topic_name)

Performs a lookup for an output stream by name and if found, subscribes it to the publisher topic name. Otherwise a warning is logged that output stream could not be found.

output_name: Subscriber/output name topic_name: Publisher/topic name
True if lookup and subscription were successful, False otherwise
inbound_streams = []
outbound_streams = []
plugins = []
servers = []