ait.core.server.plugins.limit_monitor module

class ait.core.server.plugins.limit_monitor.TelemetryLimitMonitor(inputs, outputs, **kwargs)

Bases: ait.core.server.plugin.Plugin

__init__(inputs, outputs, **kwargs)



inputs: names of inbound streams plugin receives data from outputs: names of outbound streams plugin sends its data to zmq_args: dict containing the follow keys:

zmq_context zmq_proxy_xsub_url zmq_proxy_xpub_url

Defaults to empty dict. Default values assigned during instantiation of parent class.

**kwargs: (optional) Dependent on requirements of child class.

process(input_data, topic=None, **kwargs)

Not implemented by base Plugin class. This process method must be implemented by any custom plugin class that inherits from this base Plugin.

input_data: Message received from any of the plugin’s input streams. topic: Name of stream that message was received from.