ait.core.bin.ait_bsc_create_handler module

ait-bsc-create-handler [options] <name> <loc> <port> <conn_type>
 The host for the BSC REST service connection [default: localhost]
 The port for the BSC REST service connection [default: 8080]
 Flag saying whether the log should be rotated automatically [default: True]
 If log rotation is enabled, this determines the frequency of a rotation. One of ‘year’, ‘month’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, ‘minutes’, ‘second’ [default: day]
 If log rotation is enabled, this determines the delta between log creation and current time rotate-index value needed to trigger a log rotation [default: 1]
–file-name-pattern=<fnp> The file pattern for the log file name. This can
include handler metadata values as well as strftime format characters [default: %Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-{name}.pcap]