ait.core.util module

AIT Utilities

The ait.core.util module provides general utility functions.

exception ait.core.util.YAMLError(arg)

Bases: exceptions.Exception


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

exception ait.core.util.YAMLValidationError(arg)

Bases: exceptions.Exception


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

class ait.core.util.ObjectCache(filename, loader)

Bases: object

__init__(filename, loader)

Creates a new ObjectCache

Caches the Python object returned by loader(filename), using Python’s pickle object serialization mechanism. An ObjectCache is useful when loader(filename) is slow.

The result of loader(filename) is cached to cachename, the basename of filename with a ‘.pkl’ extension.

Use the load() method to load, either via loader(filename) or the pickled cache file, whichever was modified most recently.


Caches the result of loader(filename) to cachename.


Loads the Python object

Loads the Python object, either via loader(filename) or the pickled cache file, whichever was modified most recently.


The pickled cache filename


True if the cache needs to be updated, False otherwise


The filename to cache via loader(filename)

ait.core.util.crc32File(filename, skip=0)

Computes the CRC-32 of the contents of filename, optionally skipping a certain number of bytes at the beginning of the file.


Swaps pairs of bytes (16-bit words) in the given bytearray.

ait.core.util.expandPath(pathname, prefix=None)

Return pathname as an absolute path, either expanded by the users home directory (“~”) or with prefix prepended.

ait.core.util.getDefaultDict(modname, config_key, loader, reload=False, filename=None)

Returns default AIT dictonary for modname

This helper function encapulates the core logic necessary to (re)load, cache (via util.ObjectCache), and return the default dictionary. For example, in ait.core.cmd:

def getDefaultDict(reload=False):
return ait.util.getDefaultDict(__name__, ‘cmddict’, CmdDict, reload)

Returns the size of filename in bytes.

ait.core.util.listAllFiles(directory, suffix=None, abspath=False)

Returns the list of all files within the input directory and all subdirectories.

ait.core.util.setDictDefaults(d, defaults)

Sets all defaults for the given dictionary to those contained in a second defaults dictionary. This convenience method calls:

d.setdefault(key, value)

for each key and value in the given defaults dictionary.


Converts the number n into Binary Coded Decimal.

ait.core.util.toFloat(str[, default]) → float | default

Converts the given string to a floating-point value. If the string could not be converted, default (None) is returned.

NOTE: This method is significantly more effecient than toNumber() as it only attempts to parse floating-point numbers, not integers or hexadecimal numbers.


>>> f = toFloat("4.2")
>>> assert type(f) is float and f == 4.2
>>> f = toFloat("UNDEFINED", 999.9)
>>> assert type(f) is float and f == 999.9
>>> f = toFloat("Foo")
>>> assert f is None
ait.core.util.toNumber(str[, default]) → integer | float | default

Converts the given string to a numeric value. The string may be a hexadecimal, integer, or floating number. If string could not be converted, default (None) is returned.


>>> n = toNumber("0x2A")
>>> assert type(n) is int and n == 42
>>> n = toNumber("42")
>>> assert type(n) is int and n == 42
>>> n = toNumber("42.0")
>>> assert type(n) is float and n == 42.0
>>> n = toNumber("Foo", 42)
>>> assert type(n) is int and n == 42
>>> n = toNumber("Foo")
>>> assert n is None
ait.core.util.toNumberOrStr(str) → integer | float | string

Converts the given string to a numeric value, if possible. Otherwise returns the input string

ait.core.util.toRepr(obj) → string

Converts the Python object to a string representation of the kind often returned by a class __repr__() method.


Returns a description of the given duration in the most appropriate units (e.g. seconds, ms, us, or ns).