ait.core.table module

class ait.core.table.FSWColDefn(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

FSWColDefn - Argument Definition

Argument Definitions encapsulate all information required to define a single column.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a new Column Definition.

decode(in_stream, raw=False)

Decode a column’s value according to its data type

Read bytes equal to this column’s data type from the input stream and decode it into a value per that data type’s definition.


in_stream: A file-like object from which to read data.

raw: Flag denoting whether raw values or enumerate values
(if present for this column) should be returned.
EOFError: If the number of bytes read from the input stream
is less than the length of the data type.

Encode a columns value according to its data type

value: The value to encode provided as either a string or
the appropriate type for the column’s data type.
class ait.core.table.FSWTab(defn, *args)

Bases: object

Table object that contains column definitions

__init__(defn, *args)

Creates a new FSWTab based on the given definition arguments.


The table column definitions.


The table fsw header definitions.

class ait.core.table.FSWTabDefn(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Table Definition

FSW Table Definitions encapsulate all information required to define a single column. This includes the column name, its opcode, subsystem, description and a list of argument definitions. Name and opcode are required. All others are optional.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Decode table data according to the current table definition

Decode table data (provided via either an input file or binary blob) given the current FSWTabDefn format. The decoded table data will be returned as a list of lists, each containing an individual row’s field data. The first row of the returned data is the header’s values if applicable for this table definition.

Keyword Arguments:
file_in (open file stream): A file stream from which to read
the table data for decoding.

bin_in (bytes-like object): An encoded binary table data.

raw (boolean): Flag indicating whether columns with enumerations
should return a raw value (True) or an enumerated value (False) when the option exists. (default: False)

Encode table data according to the current table definition

Encode table data (provided via either an input file or list of table rows) given the current FSWTabDefn format. Header data to be encoded can be included as the first non-comment row in the input stream or as a separate list of column values under the hdr_vals kwarg. Lines starting with a ‘#’ are considered comments and discarded.

Rows of table data (header or otherwise) should use the given table definitions delimiter to separate entries. Extra whitespace around entries is stripped whenever possible.

Keyword Arguments:
file_in (open file stream): A file stream from which to read
the table data for encoding.
text_in (list): A list of row strings to use when encoding
the table data.
hdr_vals (list): An optional list of values to use when encoding
the header row. If values are passed here then no header values should be present in the input data source. Overlap here will result in unexpected behavior.
class ait.core.table.FSWTabDict(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: dict

Table dictionary object

Table Dictionaries provide a Python dictionary (i.e. hashtable) interface mapping Tables names to Column Definitions.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Creates a new Table Dictionary from the given dictionary filename.


Adds the given Table Definition to this Table Dictionary.

create(name, *args)

Creates a new table with the given arguments.


Loads Table Definitions from the given YAML file into this Table Dictionary.

class ait.core.table.FSWTabDictCache(filename=None)

Bases: object


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


True if the pickle cache needs to be regenerated, False to use current pickle binary

ait.core.table.YAMLCtor_FSWColDefn(loader, node)
ait.core.table.YAMLCtor_FSWTabDefn(loader, node)
ait.core.table.decode_to_file(tbl_type, in_path, out_path)
ait.core.table.encode_to_file(tbl_type, in_path, out_path)

Calculate SHA-1 hash of the passed file